Hi 👋

I am Valentina Gorodok, a Frontend Developer.

Programming has always been a passion for me. For the first time I tried to code in C and Python several years ago just for fun. It was so exciting to create simple programs in unknown computer languages.

But my life was mostly connected with Marketing. I managed Social Media accounts of businesses and people, was a blog writer, and helped with creating Market Analysis. During this period I found out for myself HTML, CSS and JS, when I needed to fix some issues on my clients' websites. Then I also had experience with creating simple website designs with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

In 2021 I decided to change my career path and become a front-end developer. I have experience with JS , HTML, CSS, React , TypeScript, Redux , React Query, Recoil, GraphQl , Tailwind , Daisyui, ViteJS and Webpack. Proficient in utilizing git, npm and yarn. I write tests using jest and vitest.